AI Data Marketplace

A platform to control and compensate creative works used to train AI

We’re bringing together Rights holders and AI Developers. Helping rights holders get compensation for copyrighted works. Enabling AI Developers to responsibly acquire high quality data.

Introducing Human Native AI

A fair and equitable marketplace


A comprehensive catalog of rights holders and their works. We help AI developers find the high-quality data they need.


Rights holders have granular control over which individual works are open or closed to AI training.


Monitoring solutions for detecting the mis-use of copyrighted material.


Enabling revenue for rights holders by licensing work for training with recurring subscriptions or revenue share.

Data preparation

We help publishers get their content or data ready for AI models. We index, benchmark and evaluate data sets to demonstrate their quality and value.

The platform

Connecting rights holders and AI developers

Who is Human Native AI For?


Film Studios

AI Developers

Record labels

Production companies


Entertainment labels

User interface showing increase in works used, alerts and music and photo catalog
For Rights Holders

Take control, get compensated fairly

Upload your catalog to the marketplace for free

Get paid
Be compensated fairly for works.

Opt in and out of generative AI usages.

Receive alerts for potential copyright infringement.

For AI Developers

Level up with high quality and real time data

Access to previously unavailable premium content.


Fairly compensate creators for licence of works.


Select works based on specific criteria.


Negotiate exclusive access with creators.

User interface showing AI model performance, search and video news and image catalogs

Sign up now for the limited access beta